Hey yo guys!
Finally I made a banner for this blog, geez.
The photo was taken in Singapore. It's from "Zodiac Garden" in Chinese Garden. It's one of the most awesome places I've visited. It's a green beautiful garden with statues of each of Chinese zodiac signs. Each statue has an animal couple, so I find it very romantic.
Dragon is my Chinese sign. I had to use my dragon insticts to find this statue in the garden. It was so well hidden! The original photo is very dark due to the shady location. This one is mirrored and light balanced again.
I felt deep togetherness with this dragon statue, like it was speaking to me.^^ So I find this photo very suitable for my blog where I honestly share my feelings and interests.
Have a good weekend!
2 kommenttia:
En tiedä mitä kautta blogiisi eksyin, mutta aattelin jälkeni jättää tännekin :-)
Niiltä osin, miltä mitään ymmärsin niin oli kyllä melko hauskaa luettavaa, hih !
♥: http://mimi-perfectly-imperfect.blogspot.fi/
Kiitos kommentista! Kiva kun eksyit tännekin. Joo, joskus kirjoitan suomeksi, joskus englanniksi ja joskus sekaisin! :)
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